What does most of the food you eat turn into?;sugar;diabetes;cells;fat Why does your body need sugar?;for energy;for fun;for dreaming;for making ketones The energy your body has to do everything it does comes from;food;the pancreas;insulin ;the stomach What body part's only job is to digest your food?;the stomach;the brain;the lungs;the pancreas What body part makes insulin and juice to digest your food?;the pancreas;the heart;the stomach;the brain Body cells get sugar from;food;pancreas;fat cells;the store What helps sugar get inside body cells?;Insulin;Food;pancreas;the lungs Pizza and apples turn into....;sugar;insulin;blood;the brain Which exercises help muscles to use sugar quickly:;walking;playing video games;watching TV;sleeping Which exercises help muscles to use sugar quickly:;biking;eating;talking on the phone;napping Which exercises help muscles to use sugar quickly:;soccer;watching movies;reading;board games Which exercises help muscles to use sugar quickly:;kickball;card games;riding in a car;making a sandwich Which exercises help muscles to use sugar quickly:;swimming;sleepovers;class at school;riding the bus